Sunday, September 4, 2011

Effortless Glamour, Channeling Audrey

Audrey Hepburn's most iconic role in Breakfast at Tiffany's has memorized audiences since 1961, her style, glamour, charm, and relate-ability  has so many lessons from which we can all learn.
When watching Breakfast at Tiffany's, Audrey captivates our full attention without saying a word during the very opening credits. Her understated style is something that will never go out of fashion!
Audrey(or, Holly as in the film, but I like using her real name better!) is effortlessly glamorous. She chooses one piece on which to focus attention, such as a giant hat, her sunglasses, or jewelry. “A man can learn everything he wants to know about you by your earrings” she says, which rings quite a bit of truth. Her nude trench-coat she wears in several scenes could have been purchased at Barney's just yesterday, instead of 1961. Simple, focused style will never let you down.
Part of Audrey's glamour, even more so than her wardrobe, I believe, is her charm and mystery. If you listen to her carefully as she interacts with anyone, not just people she has known previously, but strangers included, she speaks to them as if they are her very best friend and she is confiding all trust in them. At first she seems naive, but as the plot unfolds, we see that her charm is not a silly act, but a true respect for people and not a mask of her intelligence. She uses the endearment “darling” or “dear” with everyone, and this brings her so much closer to our hearts. She will confide little secrets with various people in her life, but not enough to where she ever loses her mystery and you think you know her completely. She is a lady that keeps us intrigued.
While Audrey is an icon, as I watched the film I realized that what makes her so loved by young women, is that there are many pieces of ourselves that we see her act out. College girls everywhere are poor, crafty, and short on time. In “Holly's” apartment, if you look carefully her couch is actually made out of an old bathtub with pillows thrown on it! 

And she uses space under her bed to store shoes, not a fancy sex-and-the-city style closet but something that we all have done. She is constantly searching for money, being late with her bills, and not being able to afford anything she wants. This does not effect her charm, being wealthy has never meant, and will never mean being glamourous or fashion forward. She climbs out of windows, has an apartment party with lots of people she doesn't know, and is always searching for new ways to wear and adapt the few pieces of clothing she has. When she first meets Paul, she welcomes him in like her oldest friend, and we see her throw herself together (much like many of us have!) in about 5 minutes, from sleep mask to movie star. Hopping about and crawling on the floor looking for her shoes. The truth is, what makes Audry such a star, is her effortless fashion, and her respect and true love for everyone and anyone around her.  
There is more of Audrey in us then we think.

So to simplify and summarize what to take from Audrey Hepburn's effortless glamour;
-When shopping (especially on a tight budget), purchase simple timeless pieces that fit you well, such as a nude trench coat, dark wash straight jeans, a simple one color dress, black pumps and single button blazers,and keep up with trends with accessories and styling of the garmet.
-No matter who they were, Audrey treated everyone from the doorman to the millionaires with the same amount of respect and endearment. It delights those around you if you call them darling or dear once in awhile.
-Never let on that you spend hours on your hair, makeup, outfit, etc. Mary Kay once said “A lady never tells her age or her weight, if she will tell you those things she will tell you anything, and she is not a lady at all.” In other words, no lady gives away her mystery.
-Glamour comes more from your heart, then your looks.
-You should seem effortless.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Rock and Roll is not dead

"Never give up on Rock Music, even if you have to look a little harder, it will always be there"
A quote by the members of the Foo Fighters tonight at the 2011 VMA's, and one of the only things that was said throughout the program that actually had meaning and resonated with me. 
Rock and roll has changed forms time and time again throughout the years, and will continue to change until the end of time. But whatever the style, sound, look, or appearance of rock and roll the thing that holds the label together is the attitude behind it. 
Musicians have always used various instruments and genres to express feelings strike emotional chords into those who choose to appreciate it. Whether it's love, happiness, anger, or just observing things around the artist, music has and always will be different varying from musician to musician. 
Rock and Roll has an attitude all it's own.
Watching the VMA's tonight both discouraged me and encouraged me in different ways.
Music has become such a show, such a game, such a joke in some ways.
But the attitude of true rock and rollers remains the same.
They don't care.
They are true to their music, they want to touch your emotions, and the only thing that keeps rock and roll going is the way that it makes us feel 
You cannot listen to The Beatles, the Ramones, Nirvana, Iron Maiden, or The Doors without taking on some portion of the "I don't give a F*k" attitude that they all project.
Even if their lyrics are ludacris,  they still leave an impression on the way you see your world and yourself around you in that moment.
In that moment of Rock and Roll, you feel what the music does to you.
As long as people still look for meaning, and still live as they want to and realize individualization is beautiful , 
Rock and Roll will Never Die 

Sunday, August 21, 2011

DIY adorable (cheap as you can) storage

I am the kind of girl who loves her entire wardrobe and massive shoe collection to be on display
So I have slaved away at making the most fashionable  and chic ways to store shoes, jewelry and clothes

This is a DIY project that is easy as pie!
Alls you do is raid your grandmother's frames, and use acrylic paint
(I used white, but you could play around with colors!)
Paint with a large,coarse brush to give it the antique look
Find some hooks, (any old hooks) and hammer away for as many  hangers as you would like!

I used looped hooks for the smaller, matching ear ring holder.

Set to dry, and enjoy! 

My next major storage problem were my shoes 
Many, Many shoes.
I raided my parent's house, and found an old vhs/dvd rack that works beautifully!

Lastly, In my new abode there is not much room in the closet 
(much like a closet or half a closet in a dorm setting)
But I have the stylish solution! All for $9

Go to Wal-Mart, buy a hanging wardrobe, made for laundry rooms.

This allows you to display all your favorite pieces and  make lots more hanging room!



Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Simple as they seem?

Men have always prided themselves in being simple beings. They claim that all we must do is "feed us, praise us, shower us with affection and we're yours!" And claim that women are the impossible ones. But as I watched him pull his car away from the driveway I couldn't help but wonder how the same man could be so affectionate and loving one day, and completely distant the next with no change in my behavior. Each day I do my best to feed him, praise him, shower him with affection but still at times I am pushed away. Are men as complicated as women?  
Are their simple appearances just a carefully planned act that has us all fooled?
And how does one begin a conversation about their man's feelings without instantly establishing a sarcastic wall? 
When is concern confused with female craziness?

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Living in a world where dreaming is a cliche'

I've heard that every young person comes to a "crossroad" in their lives at one point or another. A crucial point, a point at which we must make decisions. I think I may be at one of these crucial points, but I have little to choose from. Or too much, I can't decide. I find myself thinking of all the things I would like to do and not doing one thing to help my goal. My days consist of waking up at 1 or 2pm, drinking an obscene amount of coffee,  getting dressed up to go next to nowhere, sitting and chatting with good friends for a few hours, and hitting the sack around 5am. This is not the life I am used to, and I can't decide whether this is freedom or torture. 
 I have a college degree, I have worked an 8-5 cubicle job with little creative outlet, and the money wasn't great but at least there was money. Now I have no source of income besides my conversations, no form of fulfillment besides the people around me, this can't be healthy but I can't help but love it. I have never lived without my bathroom being stocked with $600 worth of Big Sexy Hair  products, my nails done every 2 weeks, a tanning package and a gym schedule. Now my regimen is next to nothing (well, I still have an obscene amount of makeup and skyscraper heels) but I am living more simply than I ever have. I know I can't keep this up forever, but for now? I am living off conversations.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Half? Or none?

In every relationship, you have to make sacrifices. Habits, pet peeves, and routines are altered to fit the personality of the person you are with. Some changes are miniscule, some are surprisingly for the better, and some are just changes to lifestyle over time. But at what point do we chisel and pluck away at our pre-relationship life so much, that we lose ourselves? When are we not one-half of the relationship, but just the other half?