I heard it once said, that Shakespeare covered every story line that ever could be and today's movies and books really just try to interpret them in different ways. The more I think of it the more it seems to be true, no one has new ideas. People like to think they have something new to say, but everything is really just recycled with different vocabulary or euphemisms to appeal to their generation.
If you look at something long enough, anything, you can make it seem new or trendy with different ways of describing it. Lets take an ash tray and build its character; the crude ashtray, no too common... The outspoken ashtray... Again common.... The unabashed ashtray the Brazen ashtray the non- disconcerted ash tray, the farther we drive our vocabulary from our present generation or tone, the more interesting the character becomes. So again I state there are no new ideas, just different ways of stating them. I challenge you to find a storyline based not following a basic principal of a Shakespearean play. We only recycle ideas with different words to make them our own.