This is a collection of thoughts fashion and whatever else I feel needs to be shared. It is both my own therapy and eclectic collection from a girl with a lot of coffee in a confusing time. Here Are My 20's
Sometimes I find the best way to clear my mind is to go join
the hustle&bustle of a city. You don’t even have time to think about what’s
in your own head, there are so many other things to think on! The people
walking by, the hippies on the benches, the rich ladies the poor venders and
everyone chatting and walking with a purpose. No one there knows you’re only
there to be distracted for a few hours and drink as much coffee as possible.
never realized what a vital part of my quarter life therapy the city was until
I moved to West Plains, oh goodness how I miss it! Putting on a warm trench
coat and a pair of heels;to see no one in-particular, walking, shopping,
sitting and watching until I had my fill. The best part of “Urban Therapy” is
the more you walk around, notice and soak in, the more you realize the World is
so much bigger then where you are right now. There are millions of people to
see! And you realize how young you are! You feel stronger, like you don’t need
anyone else besides bunches of aimless faces. Life just gets bigger and better
the more people you let open your eyes.
I haven’t been single since I was 18 (and I’m 22). I mean, not really. I thought I had found the love of my life, not once, but twice. They ran so closely together (literally, like a week) that I didn’t give myself any time to learn how to stand on my own 2 feet (stupid of me, I know). Now for the first time in my adult life I am completely unattached and it’s a huge change. I would be lying if I said it wasn’t scary. I have always thought of myself as strong and independent, but the truth is I was strong on somebody else’s arm. It’s so hard not to have anyone to say goodnight to, or to make plans with, or to say I love you to. And the worst part is that I have never learned how to have my heart-broken so when the guy I loved so much (was practically ready to marry) decides it’s over out of nowhere, without warning, and moves on like a normal person does, it’s hard for me to understand. But the best revenge I can think of is to be stronger than I ever thought I could be. I am still going to go the places we used to go together, I am still going to talk to our mutual friends, I’m finally going to learn exactly who I am and I’m going to be pleasantly surprised at how powerfulI really am.