This is a collection of thoughts fashion and whatever else I feel needs to be shared. It is both my own therapy and eclectic collection from a girl with a lot of coffee in a confusing time. Here Are My 20's
When you are first with someone, every moment you have with that person is the best part of that day. There is so much to learn about your love, their thoughts their musical opinions, so many new things to laugh at together and yes, lots of kisses. But as you move on in the relationship it becomes slightly more routine, not in a bad way but there is naturally a break in the excitement. Even though my boyfriend is my best friend, and I am more and more crazy about him each day, it seems that a little space makes a huge difference in staying in the "honeymoon stage" or become stale. Derived from the second Sex and the City movie, Carrie and Big said they could make their own rules in their marriage and take a day or two a week just to themselves and that made them so much more happy when they were together. This is a powerful lesson that I am starting to learn,
I forgot about me!
I forgot I need time to sit around and drink coffee, I forgot I love to watch pointless tv and just walk around singing all by myself. I love being my own best friend once in awhile, and who made up the rules for dating anyway?